By Brenda SpieringAre you still in school and not earning enough money to pay income tax? Never mind, it's also in your best interest to file a tax return...
Not checking recommendationsSince your contractor provided you with a whole list of recommendations, he must be in good standing, right? Not necessarily, counters Vladeta...
Make sure you have enough money.Before signing any contract, you must determine how to finance your renovations.
Your Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) is an excellent...
By Sylvain BouffardAccording to the most recent version of the Sun Life Delayed Retirement Index, everything indicates that Canadians are gradually resigning themselves to...
By Dave DineenDuring a recent six-week vacation, mild health issues convinced me to purchase supplemental health insurance.I'm fortunate for a 55-year-old man. My health...
Which plan pays your claim first?The Canadian insurance industry has created a unique procedural guide to ensure that all insurance companies follow the same...
By Madeleine MalteseOn your prescription receipt at the pharmacy, there's this little column called Coast. What is coinsurance?
In Quebec, everyone must have drug insurance....
By Sylvain BouffardAccording to the most recent version of the Sun Life Delayed Retirement Index, everything indicates that Canadians are gradually resigning themselves to...
Unused contribution roomSuppose you have not contributed the maximum amount to your RRSP in previous years. In that case, you may have unused contribution...
By Dave DineenRRSP, QPP/CPP, TFSA, OAS, Employer Annuity: When you start withdrawing funds for retirement and the order in which you make the withdrawals...
By Ilona BiroWant to get the most retirement income from your savings? You'll need a tax-aware strategy.Congratulation! You have thoughtfully planned for your retirement,...
What is the difference between a beneficiary and a successor holder?
A beneficiary inherits the money while a holder inherits the account.
"Only a spouse or...
Smoking and your life insurance premiumFirst, let's take a look at the basics of life insurance. A life insurance policy provides you with financial...
Myth 1: Life insurance offered by your employer is sufficient.
Life insurance from your employer is a nice perk, but it's not your only option.
Darren Devine...
What happens if my business partner cannot work?As co-owners, you are both indispensables. What will happen if your partner has an accident or suffers...
By Madeleine MalteseMany life insurance contracts provide that the insured will not have to pay their premiums -- and that their insurance will remain...
Research available flightsAn aeroplane can be one of the most significant expenses for backpackers and young travellers. According to Dave and Deb, credit cards...
By Madeleine MalteseMagic does not affect your finances… but compound interest does! They are the ones who “make your investments work”.Suppose you invest $1,000...
Cherish memories without losing sight of reality"People idealize the cottage," says Cindy Hatherley, RE/MAX real estate agent. "They tend to remember only the wonderful summers of their childhood and...
By Helen Burnett-NicholsDo you need mortgage insurance? Would life insurance offer you the protection that goes beyond your mortgage? Find out the difference between...
Cherish memories without losing sight of reality"People idealize the cottage," says Cindy Hatherley, RE/MAX real estate agent. "They tend to remember only the wonderful...
Group employer plansHealth insurance benefits for retirees are an expensive benefit that many private sector employers no longer offer. Nonetheless, the Conference Board of...