Cannabis used for medical or recreational purposes
Cannabis can be used for both medical and recreational purposes. The difference lies in its use. Medical cannabis alleviates symptoms associated with various health conditions and diseases, as directed by a physician and subject to authorization. Cannabis used for recreational purposes is consumed without the supervision of a doctor.
That said, medical cannabis often has a high concentration of cannabidiol (CBD). This component does not cause the euphoric feeling associated with cannabis used for recreational purposes. This effect is instead caused by tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Thus, patients can enjoy the therapeutic benefits by consuming a type of cannabis with a high concentration of CBD but a low concentration of THC.
Is medical cannabis for you?
First, consult your doctor to determine if medical cannabis is a possible treatment option. If your doctor decides that this option is right for you, they can provide you with medical authorization by the Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations (ACCMPR).
Once authorized, you can register with a producer of cannabis for medical purposes licensed by Health Canada. You can get medical cannabis in different forms: fresh or dried, oil, extracts or seeds.
If you wish, you can also grow your cannabis or designate someone to do it for you. In both cases, the person who will produce the plants must comply with the ACMPR and Health Canada requirements.
Claiming a medical expense tax credit
Cannabis is one eligible medical expense for the Canada Revenue Agency medical expense tax credit. Therefore, you can claim cannabis-related expenses on your tax return as long as you have a prescription, receipts, and medical clearance to support your claim.
Does your workplace benefits plan cover medical cannabis?
You may also be eligible for coverage under your workplace benefits plan. Sun Life Financial added medical cannabis coverage to its group benefits plans earlier this year. Therefore, employers whose plans are insured or administered by Sun Life Financial can offer this coverage. If this is the case with your employer, you could be reimbursed for your cannabis expenses if you have one of the illnesses covered by Sun Life Financial.
What illnesses are covered?
Studies on the therapeutic benefits of cannabis are ongoing. In many cases, cannabis is not the only or the best treatment option, but clinical studies have shown that its consumption can benefit people suffering from certain diseases.
Currently, Sun Life Financial provides cannabis coverage only when there is sufficient clinical evidence to support its use:
Cancer: to relieve acute pain or nausea and vomiting caused by treatments
Multiple sclerosis: neuropathic pain or spasticity
Rheumatoid arthritis: when all other standard therapies have failed
HIV/AIDS: anorexia; neuropathic pain
Palliative care
Learn more about medical cannabis coverage
To find out if your workplace benefits plan covers medical cannabis, please contact your human resources department. If Sun Life Financial offers your goal, call the Customer Service Center at 1-800-361-6212, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET. Have your coverage card ready when you call.